Product Idea |

Barn Owl (Tyto alba)


New Project

The LEGO OWLS PROJECT has just been approved, If you like this owl, make sure you support the new project!

CLICK HERE to see the new project.



It's Almost Here!

I have designed all 3 owls and I will be submitting the new project tonight. It will hopefully be released by the weekend or the start of next week. Get ready to support...



Unfortunately, I've been a bit busy so it I have not had time to build the Tawny Owl. Next week will probabally be when it comes out. Follow my profile to see when it is released!


Upcoming Project!

My new project is coming soon! Here is a sneak-peak of the new model. It will be Barn Owl (This one), Long eared Owl (The image below) and Tawny Owl. It will come out hopefully within the next week-or-two. So be ready to support!




Possible 3 Owls?

I'm wondering if I should add 2 more owls to the collection. Maybe a Tawny? Long Eared? etc.

Let me know in the comments if you think this is a good idea. 


It would make it a nicer set and it would add value. but what do YOU think???

I personally think we should see if this gets through and, if not, I will re-enter it with the other two owls. But if lots of you want 3 owls now, I can do that.


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