Hello Everyone! This is Treetop 2017! I am excited to tell you about my newest creation for the Lego Ideas' s team and Lego company to consider. The long name of this idea of mine is called north+pole christmas tree farm stand, there are twenty one small pieces and eight big pieces all in one idea. I will explain this idea to everyone.
Here is a list of the 21 small pieces, first you have a green mailbox stand, red mail box with cover that opens, a piece of mail on top of the mailbox, a brown police ticket, a red circular flag pole holder, a white flag pole with flag, a yellow check book, a blue credit card, two $100 green bills, a green giftcard, the Lego times newspaper, yellow center lines, white center lines, a red garden ball with stand, a green garden ball with stand, a front enterance security camera, a back employees security camera, a white flag holder, a red flag pole, a red flag , a green flag, two store employees dressed up as elves.
Now i will talk about the 8 big pieces of this idea of mine and here is the list. the first part is the gray road with center lines, the next part is the light brown dirt, next you have the cement foundation, next you have the n+p christmas tree farm stand all in red and green christmas colors, a red enterance door frame with door, a white customer exit door with white door, a employees gray door frame with gray door on the back, a christmas tree farm stand green,red,white rectangular sign that says in green letters n+p and the + sign is in the middle with yellow, and that stands for north pole christmas tree farm stand,next you have the green grass with small christmas trees and a row of big christmas trees, a white rectangular christmas tree wreath stand, a green christmas tree wreath with yellow bow, a christmas tree wreath with red bow on it. This conclude the end of the 8 big pieces.
Now i will tell you about what is inside the n+p christmas tree farm stand store. First you have a small brown customer desk with black lego countertop on it, a white cupboard with two green cash draws that open, next you have a black clamp for the n+p sales computer, next the n+p black sales computer, on top of the white cupboard you have a credit card reader machine, a white keyboard, next to that you have a gift card reader, a plain white receipt printer, a green talkie holder with red talkie, a store payphone with red holder and green telephone, and the last piece is the medium size money safe that opens. I also built this second idea of mine yesterday to go with the first idea that i submitted while it was windy and raining.
I feel like this is a cool set for Lego to make because there are so many pieces to it, i feel like i am very creative and that i take the time to do a great job on my work and ideas. The holidays are coming upon us so it would be great to have for any of the Lego sets that they make, i especially like the two green wreaths that i created, no one has ever thought about making christmas tree wreaths to put on their lego homes camps or other items, or have they thought about making a chritmas tree farm stand.
This set was fun and easy to build, it is acceptable for everyone and for all ages. I hope you will vote on this idea of mine and remember to tell your friends and family members about it.
If you have any suggestions about how i can make this set even better please leave them here and i will consider them as they come in. Thanks for your time and havea great day!
Your builder and Lego fan Treetop2017!