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lego ideas final 2019 update!

you all have probably seen the new updates to lego ideas, but in case you havent here they are.

@ Mentions

Despite already being soft-launched a couple of weeks ago, we're glad to officially inform everyone that it's now possible to @ mention or "tag" another user in a comment. This has been on our, and some of your, wishlists for a while, so we're really happy to have been able to add this feature to improve conversation among our members. Being able to mention another member, makes it much easier to bring attention to something, for instance, if you want to tell your friend on LEGO Ideas about a particularly cool Product Idea you've just seen that they should check out. 

Please do remember that this tool is for conversation and not for spamming other members and self-promoting your own submissions. 

Product Ideas Rating System

We're introducing a new way for members with Product Ideas to get feedback about their design from the community. The intent behind the feedback rating feature is for creators to get private quantitative feedback so that they can get a better understanding of what other members think of different parts of their Product Ideas submission.

Using that quantitative feedback, the creator of the submission can get an idea of improvement areas, so that they can use the editing or updates functionality to make necessary changes if desired. 

They could even take that feedback and open up a conversation in their comments section to get more qualitative feedback from members. For instance, if a creator can see their project ranks a bit lower on building techniques, then they can ask other members what they could be improved in that area to make the model appeal even more to new supporters.

Project creators can see the feedback from other members consolidated in the "Statistics" tab of their Product Idea.



please rate my project and use the mention ability to spread the word about my builds. peace! 

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