Product Idea |

Power Tool



Hi there!
Recently, I tried the yellow version as a physical build and it looks very nice on my opinion.

Here's a short video about the build:

And some impressions:


800 Supporters!

Thank you everyone for reaching 800 supporters!
Here's some images of the design process for a toolbox, which i stopped at some point. It has some details already and a nice mechanic. A handle is missing and some final details. I found it a bit too much for a LEGO set in the end. But if you have another opintion, feel free to let me know.



Here are some other colours I have tried out. My choice for medium blue was because:

  1. ... it supports the shapes in the nicest way.
  2. ... it does not look too much like a classic tool, which often comes in green or yellow. Still, yellow is my second favorite.


100 Supporters

Thank you everyone and have a nice Day!

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