Product Idea |

Exhibition Bricks


2000 supporters!

Thanks a lot for the incredible 2000 supporters! For this special occasion, I created another exhibition brick, Mesopotamia!

In the mystic land between two majestic rivers, the first highly sophisticated cultures have evolved, with people building the first large cities and ziggurats. Lots of little boats connected the rivers' shorelines.

This exhibition brick comprises 599 pieces.

What do you think about the scenery?


1000 supporters!

Thanks a lot for giving me 1000-fold support! As a way to say "Thank you", I designed another brick, the Renaissance!

We are in the era of reconstruction after the dark times of middle age. Science regains importance and new technologies are invented. The whole process needs a lot of energy, gained by steam engines using coal. I recreated one of such coal mines and a small coach crossing a new canal linking two cities formerly being bitter enemies.

310 additional parts are used for this exhibition brick.

What do you think about the scenery? And, again a huge "Thanks" for your support!


500 supporters!

Thank you for 500 supporters! As a "reward" to all who already supported the exhibition bricks and left kind comments, here is a new brick: the Stone Age!

Set after the ice age, there's nothing but cold stones, green trees and some deep rivers around the poor people who lived in these centuries. But then the sun was rising and illuminated the scenery, and the people realized what's the meaning of their life: to do research to end the stone age and begin the antiquity. Short: to make us to what we've become. And how to do this? Well, they've just discovered how to make fire…

362 additional parts form this exhibition brick showcasing the stone age.

What do you think about this diorama?

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