About This Project
This is a mech that I created for Batman. I designed this mech to be sleek and simple with lots of articulation. This way Batman can fight just like he does when he isn't wearing the armor. So far I have made a mace and a double bladed staff as weapons but, I plan on making more like a grapple gun. I will update after I complete a few. The Batmech's purpose is for fighting villians that are super powered like Doomsday or other mechs that maybe the Joker or another one of Batman's rogues might build one day. Batman pilots the mech from inside the chest which can open/close.
Play Features:
- Lots of articulation throughout the mech for great play ability and pose ability.
- The waist and wrists both can spin 360 degrees.
- The chest can open/close for access inside the cockpit of the mech.
- One Batman minifigure.
- A mace and a double bladed staff as weapons for the Batmech.
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