Well the end is near for this one..
Less than two days remain for this project and I must thank the 301 supporters of this, the second most popular project of Lightningtiger.
Next week will see this resubmitted so please resupport !
Brick On everyone !
I've given a name to the store
I based the name on a Victorian hardware chain from the early 20th century - McEwan's
Brick On Support On everyone !
After the first month.
Support count of 105, I hold out hope that this will gain more supporters and followers.
Brick On everyone !
Awesome it's cracked the 100 supports !
Cool, my hope is this builds and builds in more supports !
Brick On everyone !
Here's how it looks with another modular.
I just finished building the Detective's Office and here is how it looks with my hardware store modular.
Keep watching !
Awesome 60 supports already !
It's only 4 days in and it's at 60, I knew I had to put up my modular up. ;)
Thanks to the first 60, keep watching for more projects and keep supporting while you Brick On ! ;)