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Escape Game: Carter's Secret


New photos & Final race to 10k!

Only one month left to hit the final 600 supporters! Please share the link with your friends and family to make it happen.


One month left to get 1'000 additional supports!

Hi all!
With almost 9000 supporters, Carter's secret is running out of time! Only one month left to get 1000 more supports. Please share the project with your family and friends to make it happen. It's a question of time and every support counts.

If we don't arrive in time, I fear it will be too late to save Carter. So let's gather our strength and fingers crossed!


FAQ - Gameplay

First of all I would like to thank you for all the supports and comment! We reched 2'500 votes in less than a months and this seems so crazy to my, THANK YOU!

Here are some answers to frequently asked questions.


  • >> When you build it does it let you figure out the puzzle?

That is the main challenge of this project, but at the same time the most exciting characteristic of the build. I need to be honest: the person who builds the set will know a lot about the secret hidden objects and the main mechanisms. Unfortunately, there is not a perfect solution to escape to this problem.

I have 2 possible alternatives that could bypass this:

- There are 6 detachable parts in this house. I suggest that different players can build separate parts of the house. When a room is played, the player who built this part of the house will temporarily be the gamemaster for the other players (like in a real escape game).

- I've also suggested another option: as the creator of 3-in-1 LEGO sets (official LEGO theme where you can build 3 different models with one set by using the same bricks), there could be a possibility to create different houses and different models with one set of bricks! I haven’t started designing the other models yet, but I have the ideas. With one set, you will be able to play up to 3 different escape games with different clues, and with a different difficulty score. I know this seems crazy, but it’s possible to do it.


  • >> How does this escape game works?

There are two types of hints to find here:

- mechanical (hidden objects that will permit yourself to open another door)

- thinking (you will need to find a code, that canot be understood 100% only by building the thing)

There is a total of 15 hints to find to get through this journey. The important thing here is not to find them, it is to know when these will be useful. Indeed, to solve this Escape Room, is to important to find the correct sequence (when to use the correct piece in the right place). 

In this presentation, I have chosen not to spoil the hints directly, so this is the reason why the set looks like a bit strange, but I can assure all the hints are hidden here and the project is ready to play! (1/2)


  • >> Is there a way to combine it with augmented reality? 

Yes! Augmented reality could be a great option to add something virtual to this thing like in the "Hidden Side" sets. But to be honest I prefer all the mechanical things.  It could be certainly used as a virtual "Game Master" that could help players if they have difficulties. But for me augmented reality will never replace the main lego thing to my mind.

Many thanks,


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