Product Idea |

R2-D2 - Limited Edition Full Size Kenny Baker Artoo



New rule would not have approved it to post

As some of you have pointed out, there's a new rule that would have prevented them from posting this project.  Bummer.

We can still show our support!  Whether or not they choose this project, show Lego that fans are seriously interested in big projects!


Well, thanks Lego for deleting some updates.

Hmm, so the updates weren't related, eh?

One that I notice has vanished is that Lego did sell Star Wars themed products for $10,000 - Which I suppose they didn't feel is pertinent, however one of the comments raised is that this set would be too expensive and there is no market.  So the fact that they did do so does seem to be relevant to the project to me.


Well, we slipped off popular and vacation

We've slipped off the popular list and I've tapped out the social media I know.  I'm going to be on vacation, but if you guys want to share on new social media sites and get him back up there while I'm gone I won't mind! :) 

I'll leave you for now with another picture of L3-G0. This is what happens when you try to make Lego R2's move at high speed!

It's one of my favorite pix, just love the expression on the sandperson.  Full size version is on - Thanks Masman8675 for telling me how to fix the funny cropping Ideas did!


Please remember to share!

Thanks to everyone that's supported & shared already!  Every project slows down after the initial "bump" from listing the project, and we're starting to slow down :(  We're in danger of falling off the popular list, which by itself isn't necessarily horrible, but it does indicate that we're losing traction. 

In short: If you guys want this to reach 10K and have a chance (however slim), we're going to need more sharing!  So please:  Tweet!  Pin!  Post!  Spam your friends!



Another Pix, on Endor...

Another picture of L3-G0, this time in Endor (Redwoods National Park).  Remember, he's a 3 legged droid, but I don't mind if you convert your Kenny Baker Limited Edition Artoo once it hits the shelves!  More about L3-G0 on his blog.

Please remember to share!



A picture, more to follow

Please keep sharing.  Remembered I had some pictures folks might think are fun - note, these are from L3-G0, my 3-legged version, this project is the all-Lego 2 legged build... I'll post more to give you a reason to come back, so please follow (& share).


Thanks for all the supporters!

People were wondering, so... Most of the inspiration for posting this is because people wanted instructions, or wanted to buy it from me.  That's not practical for several reasons (like if I gave out the instructions, what would happen to the price of white brick on Bricklink?  And if I sold it that'd be infringing on Lucasfilm's IP.)

Our droids live at (the 3 legged working R2-D2) (BB-8 of course - Not fully rolling yet). (Lego Mouse Droid, built like an RC Car) - A few other MOCs, Lego Cruise Ship, Space Needle, etc.


This project is a longshot!

This project is a longshot.  I totally get that.  I would totally appreciate constructive comments about how to increase the odds that Lego can make a case for it.  Constructive please, not "you're an idiot, this can't make it".

For sure, this can't be a "normal" Lego set with a 30K unit run.  It's going to need unique marketing and distribution.  It's possible Lego might be able to make that work, but we need to give it our best shot.


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