Product Idea |

R2-D2 - Limited Edition Full Size Kenny Baker Artoo


R2 in the real world...

My Project is One with the Force. The Force is with it.

Here's Artoo helping out a while back at the Unicode Techical Committee.  I suspect he was weighing in on some of the latest emoji proposals.

My Project is One with the Force. The Force is with it.


Someone must have shared a lot, thanks!

Someone must have shared some because we got a lot more supporters in the last couple days.  If we keep it up we have a chance of getting back on the popular this week list again, so if you have new places to share, please give it a shot!



My Project is One with the Force. The Force is with it.

My Project is One with the Force. The Force is with it.

My Project is One with the Force. The Force is with it.

My Project is One with the Force. The Force is with it.

My Project is One with the Force. The Force is with it.

My Project is One with the Force. The Force is with it.

My Project is One with the Force. The Force is with it.

My Project is One with the Force. The Force is with it.

My Project is One with the Force. The Force is with it.

My Project is One with the Force. The Force is with it.

(Does this work if you cut & paste the line, or do you have to type it out each time? Chirrut spoke it carefully every single time, not just saying "Times two.  Times three."  I may have cheated too much.)


Keep sharing folks!

Lego Artoo is still in the hunt for now, but we need about double the current seven supporters per day to make the 5K extension!



L3-G0 attending local Rogue One premiere

L3-G0, the inspiration for this two legged static model, attended the Pacific Science Center's IMAX local premiere of Rogue One with a couple buddies: Lego BB-8 and MCK-Y, the Lego Mouse Droid.


Approaching 3rd page of the most supported list.

I wonder if that'll give us a little faster increase?  We need about 11 supporters per day to hit that 5K extension, but we're only about 4/day right now, so keep sharing folks!

We all know this one's been a pretty long shot to get Lego to do anything with it because of the size, and it's harder now with the tightened rules which we snuck through being grandfathered and all.  But we still have a chance to let them know we all would love to see some really cool ginormous sets!


Kenny & L3-G0

A couple commenters have mentioned Kenny Baker, the actor that played Artoo in the movies.  We were saddened to learn of his passing a while back :(

Kenny did have a chance to meet the 3-legged L3-G0 version last year at Star Wars Celebration in Anaheim.

(Ideas crops some pictures funny, sorry 'bout that)


Someone mentioned Legoland... we've visited

Someone mentioned Legoland... we've visited


Dear Lego

I see that you have updated the terms of service to claim the assignment of the rights to my project for 3 years after you guys decide not to publish it.  When I had submitted this project those terms said something that rights would revert to me after you guys rejected it.  Though it was three years if I deleted the project.  This is a pretty huge change to your terms of service that I didn't really agree to.  I was willing to assign my rights to you for a year or two (the time it takes to expire), but three additional years is a pretty big deal.

I realize that since this is a pretty one-sided deal, you have reserved the right to update the terms at any time, however you also indicate that you will make reasonable efforts to notify us of major changes.  This is a pretty big change and I was not notified.  You have my email.  I realize there are no provisions for us to object to your new terms, but still.

Leg godt

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