Product Idea |

Kelp Forest


Thank You!

Thank you everyone for taking time to support the Kelp Forest project! This was my very first project idea ever submitted on LEGO Ideas, and I never expected my first project to come this far. I really appreciate all of your support, feedback, and encouragement.

This Kelp Forest is going to expire, but I included a portion of it in my detailed Ocean Ecosystems project for those who enjoyed the Kelp Forest. I plan on redesigning this project and resubmitting in in the near future, so stay tuned!

Thanks again Everyone!


Some More Realistic Details for the Sea Creatures!

Thank you everyone for supporting the Kelp Forest project! This is my very first project idea ever submitted on LEGO Ideas, and I never expected my first project to come this far. I have a couple of more ideas that I would like to add to the Kelp Forest:

1. Adding realistic detail to the sea creatures. For example, having the Sea Stars with speckles and slight color variations on them like they would in real life. To my knowledge, this has not been done before with the sea creatures featured in the Kelp Forest.

2. Making the Octopus with a blend of colors from the scene. In real life, Octopuses are usually seen in camouflage. Having the Octopus with a blend of colors from the scene will make it look more realistic.

3. Making the Sea Anemones semi-transparent (or rubber). I believe that this will also make the scene more realistic.

Thanks again everyone!

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