Product Idea |

Modular Coffee Shop


Updated Second and Third Floors

Some people have said that the second and third floors were too empty, so I added some more things to fill the space. I hope you like them!

I added two more tables on the second floor.

I added in three tables (one is hidden by the wall) and a tea station. The water machine has two faucets, one for hot water (and hot tea) and another for cold water (Ice tea). On the left side of the machine is a little black box for the tea bags (these would be 1x1 smooth white tiles). On the opposite side is a counter with a stack of glasses and four mugs.

Please support. Only you can make this happen!


Please Check Out My Other Project(s)

Please check out my other projects and support them! I will be submitting a library soon, so stay tuned to my member profile.

Please support and promote this project. Only you  (yes you) can make it happen!


Increasing the Detail

Alright, I've added a drainage pipe, flower boxes and an air conditioner.

So, please support and share this with everyone! (I will be submitting better renders of the air conditioner)


Second Floor Redesign

I added in a table on the second floor where the customers can add milk or cream to their beverages or pick up a newspaper to read. The square of brown tiles is a stack of napkins. I also put a clock on the wall.

For the LEGO company. The small compartments in the center rear of the table are were 1x3 tan poles would go to, representing coffee stirrers. I can't put them there on LDD.

Please support!


Thank you supporters!

Thank you all the people who have supported this project. However, it's not enough. This project is only gaining two to three supporters a day. Please, please, please support this and post it on every website you can think of. Most people think "Oh, I don't need to do that. Someone else will do it" and that means it doesn't get posted on anything. I don't have an account on any of those types of websites so I'm counting on all of my supporters to post it.

Please support the Modular Coffee Shop!


New Possible Design Alterations

This update doesn't contain any new design changes. In stead, I would like to here input about a few possible design alterations. First, having an air conditioner unit on the top of the building and having a ladder going up the back of the building. Second, adding some more detail to the back of the building such as flowers beneath the window sills and drainage pipes.

And last of all, thank you to all my fans who have supported this project. Keep sharing this with people around the world so we can make the Modular Coffee Shop a reality!


New Possible Building Color

I've had several people state that the building was rather monochromatic and I agree. After playing around with a few colors like dark red, white, green, and tan, I decided tan was the best color and here is the rendering of the Coffee Shop in its new form. I will play around with the design on the front because the stonework, which you can see better against the tan, now doesn't look quite right.Please share this with all your friends and family and PLEASE press the blue support button!


New Renders

I've added some clearer renders of the Coffee Shop

So please support, leave feedback, and share this with everyone so we can make the Coffee Shop a reality!



Alright, I have designed the figures. The set will probably include three or so customers with a newspaper, laptop, and one mug for each customer figure. I'm sorry that the two coffee shop employees don't look like coffee shop employees very much. The designs for the figure legs and bodies are very limited so I had to do the best with what I had. However, if this set reaches 10,000 and passes the review, LEGO will make much better figures.

And also, please share this project with everyone you know!

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