Product Idea |

Save Lego from Technalla's Laboratory


Re-naming 'The Collectors'

I have taken on board comments that suggested that this new theme may have a limited market.

After thought, I have now chosen to rename them "The Collectors" in order to appeal to a wider market.

My story originated from a moment when we built up a vintage box of star wars lego, only to find a crutial piece was missing and we couldn't complete it. My young son was devistated, but he was adimant that he would find the missing piece. However, we didn't but after contacting lego they kindly sent me the piece. Amazing!

I created the story and told my son that there were Lego "Collectors" that collect these lost pieces and add them to thier little houses back where lego is made in order to keep them safe until they can reuse them again for other boys and girls. I have told this story to lots of children since and they all think it is magical, what better way to keep a childs imagination alive with the thought of a lego collector for all the lost pieces they find on the floor and under beds.

The stories, characters and numerous adventures they all can have is endless for a new theme. We all know how we started with lego and our imaginations ran wild - Please, please find it in your heart if you are reading this to remember how you felt as a child playing with lego and support this idea?

I want Lego to think about a new theme/concept for children and inspire their imaginations as technology is progressing so fast, but think that the internet will be one that will stay with us for a while - so lego characters that will travel and use the internet brings it all uptodate...

Save lego fromTechnalla! - help the Lego Collectors make 10,000 - it's a long shot!


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