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Magic School Bus




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Hello and Welcome to Cuusoo! What is Cuusoo you might be wondering?

Cuusoo is a site where people submit ideas for new Lego sets. If the project can get 10,000 Supporters then Lego will review the projected. If Lego likes the idea then they will create their own version of the project and mass produce it to make it available to fans.

If you already have a facebook or twitter account you can create an account with no hassle at all using that login. If not, it only takes about a minute to make a Cuusoo account to support a project.

So, if you would like to see Lego produce a Magic School Bus set, then please create an account and support this project. If you really really like it, then please tweet it, post it, and otherwise help to spread the word.

For instance, if you know someone who REALLY LOVES Science, maybe drop her a line about it.

For the TWEETERS out there please send tweets to Scholastic to see if we can get them to retweet!


Magic School Bus is a series of education books as well as an educational animated series that joins Mrs.Frizzle, her students and a magical transforming school bus on a series of astounding field trips from the depths of extra stellar space to the inner space of the human body.

The animated series aired from 1994 to 1997 but the quality of both the stories and the science have kept the series in syndication consistently until now, at which point is have become a successful series on Netflix.

The Creativity mingled with critical thinking expressed in The Magic School Bus is an excellent match for the Lego medium.

In every episode the Bus takes a unique shape of a variety of scales: A rocket, a submarine, a frog, a ladybug, a dirigible, a crocodile, a moon! The list goes on and on. Imaginative families will be able to use their collections and the parts of this set to develop countless variations.

For the purposes of this Lego Cuusoo project though, I propose the inclusion of the "Basic" bus as well as its classic space wings formation displayed above.

The Animated series includes a wide and diverse cast, all with distinct and endearing personalities.

Given the multitude of time the students, Mrs. Frizzle, and Liz (the lizard) have shrunk down to minute size in the pursuit of scientific discovery, the recreation of them in minifigure form is quite appropriate.

Field Trip!

You can't have a Magic School Bus without a field trip!

That is where Lego Education steps in. Included in this set will be a series of elements from the Lego Technic and Education lines like Gears, Springs, Magnets, and possibly even Pneumatics. A Lesson Guide can be includes where Mrs. Frizz shrinks all the students down to see how Magnetics, Gear Rations, Pulleys, and Simple Machines work.

Lego actually has done some work in this regard with their simple machines set.

Well, Here is another of the various iterations of the Magic School Bus: The Submarine mode.

If possible I would like for the set to contain enough bricks to allow for a space bus and a submarine bus, but regardless, your personal Lego collections can take the bus anywhere!

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