This is the Secret Clubhouse! Hidden behind a rocky mountain lies a place where kids and teens can have fun! A teen brother and his kid sister have built a secret clubhouse where they put interesting things in. So far on the first floor they have a bug collection, a jar on a table surrounded by three seats, and the most valuable of all...a treasure chest! Climbing up the ladder to the second floor, there is a bed that can be pulled up against the wall for extra room, a flashlight, and a cracked egg with a large piece of gold inside! The ladder and top floor can be removed for extra play space.
Back on the ground, they have a camera that they can take videos/photos of nature with. This camera, however, can also be used as a spycam and a security camera when hung on the rack. In the backyard, the kids have planted a tree that is growing quickly. They also have an entrance/exit gate that has a security sensor on the ground to let them know when the door is being opened and closed. When they're not in the clubhouse, the kids can climb up the rocks for enjoyment and to get a better view of the scenery.