Product Idea |



750 supporters!

750 is a nice number!! Thank you everyone for supporting and sharing this project! We would not be this far along in such a short amount of time if it weren't for you! Please continue to support and share this as much as you can, thanks!!

To celebrate, here is a picture of the real muffin!


Building LEGO Bandit Video


500 Supporters!

Woohoo! Thank you guys so much for sticking with this project! Because of all of you who have shared and supported LEGO Bluey, we've reached 500 supporters withing the first two days!!

Special thanks goes to Inside the Magic for creating an article about the project! Thank you very much for showing your support!

To celebrate, here are the photos of the real Bandit and Chilly:


Building LEGO Bingo Video


We've come a long way since the first project.

Here is a comparison of every "Bluey!" project:


100 supporters!

We made it to 100 supporters in the first day!! Thank you guys so much for once again supporting this project and sharing on social media! This is not possible without your support!

Special thanks to @RobMobster and @Brickey Scout for sharing this on YouTube, Instagram, and Reddit! Let's keep this going!

Here is the link to one of the latest LEGO Bluey videos:

Also to celebrate; here are pictures of the physical Bluey and Bingo.


Watch the YouTube Video!

To comply with LEGO IDEAS rules, I cannot give a direct link to the YouTube video. You can find it on our YouTube channel here: Monkey Scout Studios - YouTube


For real life!?

That's right! The real Bluey set is here! I've spent the past months preparing for this moment to share this with you guys. The entire house is complete with custom stickers and almost every detail from the product idea. I've even recreated 11 total characters that I will share in the future!

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