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Taipei 101

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Taipei 101 is considered one of the safest skyscrapers in the world. The building is capable of withstanding earthquakes of up to 7 degrees on the Richter scale and enduring the strong winds of the area. It began to take shape in 1999 and was completed in 2004, holding the title of "tallest" in the world from 2004 to 2010. The main tower consists of a series of eight segments, each with eight floors. In Chinese culture, the number eight is associated with prosperity. As I mentioned, it can withstand earthquakes of up to 7 degrees on the Richter scale and strong winds. The significant mass motion absorption capacity of this structure resides in a mass damper formed by a large golden steel ball weighing 680 tons. When the building moves in one direction, the damper pushes it in the opposite direction, absorbing the energy of movement, serving as a mechanical counterweight to vibrations, limiting them and stabilizing the building.

Although in its original plans it was an 88-story building, about 400 meters tall, the design of Taipei was modified so that it could hold the title of the largest in the world. The structural resistance of the building is based on 8 lateral columns and 16 central columns. The latter form a mega structure through which the elevator passes. The columns are a hybrid of metal and concrete.

I decided to create this set for several reasons; one of them is that I love architecture. The feeling of building something that endures over time must be one of the best in the world. I suppose I am a frustrated architect since I never got to study this profession. The second reason is that I love Lego models related to architecture. I have tried to stay true to the original structural design, as you will see in the photos, it consists of 8 super lateral or exterior columns and 16 central columns, which, despite its height, gives the model great stability and resistance. Additionally, I have also incorporated a functional mass damper.

I believe it would be a great Lego set. Due to its size, it will be a significant challenge for Lego and architecture enthusiasts because of its realism, both structural and aesthetic. Additionally, this year marks the twentieth anniversary of the building, which also makes it quite appealing. For me, it would definitely be a dream come true... Adults Wellcome…

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