Today, I am proud to announce after receiving a response from Martin Molin, from the YouTube Channel Wintergatan, I now have his permission to upload my Lego Model of his amazing, overly complicated, marble dropping, music-making machine; the Marble Machine X! This project has left me mentally exhausted after spending 3 and a half months, from start to finish, to complete my mission of redesigning it after the first model I made of the machine(which looks pathetic in comparison to the detail of the new design!)
The MMX(Marble Machine X), for those who don't know, is this machine that plays music by means of dropping marbles onto a variety of instruments that are attached to it. The instruments include a vibraphone, a snare drum, a kick drum, a rhythm machine, a hi-hat cymbal, a crash/sizzle cymbal, and a bass guitar known as the "cyber bass". The MMX is modeled like a music box, as it is powered by means of cranking it(or by pressing down on the pedal attached to the crank wheel). Doing so will turn the large, rotating drum(the programming wheel) in the middle of the machine which has pins in it that act just like a music box, activating each channel on the machine to release marbles of that specific channel(and note!) to its corresponding instrument.
The reason I decided to build this was because of two things: 1. Martin had stated in a video that it would be cool if somebody could design a miniature model of the MMX(it didn't have to be functional) as a decorative piece for a desk. 2. I had seen in one of Martin's videos somebody had created a lego MMX(there was also talk from a few people in the discord saying they were building/built one), which sparked me to want to build one for myself. I technically built 2, as the one I am posting is the second design which I designed using LDD(Lego digital designer) and built after buying all the parts for it to make it resemble the machine more accurately than the first design; which was built from what sets I already owned and had on hand. And let me just say that it was harder to build than I thought it would be!
I have been a long-time fan of this man's work since my mom first sent me the video of the original marble machine. After that, I started watching the building process of the new machine and have been watching Martin ever since, claiming that "Wednesday is the best day of the week!" I can't wait to see this thing perform live on stage, as I'm making it a point to see Martin and his band Wintergatan along with the MMX play in person. Martin, you have become my idol. The trials and tribulations that you have been going through building this machine I can now relate to COMPLETELY!
I feel that this should become a Lego set so that anybody who is a fan of Wintergatan and the Marble Machine X(over 2mil to be exact!) can have the opportunity to build and have their own model of the machine. It makes for a great desk model and sometimes when I walk past it in my room I'll stop and crank it a few times for the enjoyment and satisfaction of seeing all the little moving parts come to life. I recorded a video that featured a timelapse of most of the building process, design problems I ran into as well as their solutions, and a clip showcasing the model in motion which was a recreation of a clip of the actual MMX playing a song on the vibraphone for the first time. I can't link the video for some reason, so instead here's a link to my YouTube channel where you can go and watch it!: