Product Idea |

Pipe Organ

Thank you for ALL great supports!!! :)

This is Pipe Organ.

I would like to add the Music Instruments to the Lego Products Line.
Because Boys and Girls, Children and Adults, almost people LOVE MUSIC!
And I hope they will be interested in both Lego and Music.

This set include the mini-fig like a well-known composer, information of pipe organ and music.
So we can not only build this Pipe Organ, but also we can study about Pipe Organ and music.

I think this is most beautiful music instrument.
So this is good for the interior in your room.

And I think this set will create a new market.
Because the seller will be able to put in a musical store or place.

Both Lego & Music has imagination and creativity!

Please support this project! :)

Promotional Video in Youtube.

Project History :
100 Supporters - Jan 26th, 2012
Changing this submission by updated new rules - Dec 23rd, 2013

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