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Built it, upgraded it.
Hey guys! Thank you all so much for your support so far! this encouraged me to keep on improving the design.
I also went ahead and actually built the set itself, it looks fantastic, but throughout the build I encountered a lot of design flaws with the way pieces were placed and the color scheming overall, here are some updates:
- For starters, I changed the base plate of the middle part to a Medium Azure color for a better contrast with the color the transparent elements have on top, the previous one was blue.
- I updated some areas of the building to the right to have it feel more appropriate towards the building and its relations with the ground itself.
- I also went ahead and changed some pieces from the tower to give it a more vivid tone rather than plane straight up colors, you can see some of these with the transparent plate below the tower.
- The mountain that holds the tower in place has a few pieces that could’ve been replaced with bigger bricks or plates, same goes for the village to its right that some 1x1 plates with no printed elements (as they are not visible) could rather be changed for 1x2 plates.
- The biggest update I did was to the background, upon building it I realized that a lot of the tiles in the background looked rather condensed, too many of too little pieces. What I decided to do was to change them for bigger tiles and give it a smoother look, not to mention some of the smaller plates holding the tiles in place also met at the same point where tiles did, making the build unstable, in regard to this I also fixed some parts of the buildings to give it a more realistic look. On the mountain side of the building there was a big green tile behind the mountain that didn’t really fit in there color scheme wise, so I cropped the piece a little and changed the color to match to the mountain’s one.
- Lastly, the bracket bricks placed in the bottom of the build that hold the buildings in place were based on other postcard sets, which did not match this one in particular and had to rearrange them to support the whole build together.
- I would like to add that I still have not added a printed element to the tile in front of the whole build as I am yet to come up with a banner for “Seoul/서울.”
Other than the above mentioned, I am very happy with how it turned out, I think it looks great!
Thank you all very much for your support so far! Either we hit 10,000 supporters or Lego releases their own Korea postcard sometime in the future, I have a reason to believe they are actively working on getting us more postcards for a lot more cities in the world. :)