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Star Wars UCS Droideka
Hi everyone!!
This is my version of the iconic driod from Star Wars Prequel Trilogy.
The Droideka also called the destroyer droid (destroyers for short), wheel droid, roller, was a type of
heavy battle droid used by the Trade Federation and the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
I built it with ALL articulations working in order to make it able to assume the ball shape.
Can turn arms, legs, body, head, face and back!!
Has 4 spring shooter (two for every gun) actuated by pressing the center flag.
- Width 29 cm
- Lenght 33 cm
- Height 46 cm
- 1707 pieces
- Aprox. Weight 1.270 gr
Thank you for watching!! And if you like this project please support!! And tell/share to everyone you know!!
P.S. Don't forget to take a look to my other projects ;)