Help your fellow builder by leaving your feedback based on these three criteria:
- Originality: How original is this - never seen before?
- Building Techniques: How much skill do you think the creator of this MOC has, in terms of building technique?
- Details: Express how much you like the details of the build.
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9.5K+ Supporters + Final Update
Still feeling absolutely overwhelmed with the love and support this project has gotten. It's seriously awesome that I could have so much fun bringing a build to life and then see so such enthusiasm for it as a possible LEGO set!
At it's current pace, I think the project should get to 10K later today or sometime tomorrow. So I just want to say one final thanks to every single person who went out of their way to support, comment, and share the project!
For our final update, I have a few small items. First, I ran a poll on socials to determine who of Rory's three love interests I would build. Unsurprisingly, Team Jess won with 59% of the vote, so he now exists in minifigure form! Also corrected Rory's eyes to be blue.
Another suggested item was Lorelai's Jeep. I'm admittedly not a great car builder, but gave it my best in the 2ish hours I gave myself to build it. And also went ahead and changed Luke's hat color to blue!
Thank you all SO MUCH once again! Oi with the poodles, 10K here we come!
7K+ Supporters, Staff Pick and updates!
Can’t say thank you enough for the amazing continued support. We’ve now passed 7K Supporters, meaning just under 3K to go! And we were even just featured as a Staff Pick, super cool!
One of the most requested updates for the build was to add an interior to Lorelai’s house. Filled it with all the junk food and fun details that I could. It was a pretty quick build, but hopefully it gives y’all an idea of how an interior could look.
Overall interior:
The living room:
The Kitchen:
Will aim to squeeze in at least one more update on our journey to 10K, so keep an eye out for that soon!
2,500+ Supporters in less than 24 hours!!!
Absolutely blown away by the response to our Stars Hollow build! The enthusiasm for it has been just so fantastic! Please continue to support, comment, and share so we can give this a chance at becoming a real set!
Wanted to post a tiny little update to the build, to give a better idea of what a final product might look like with printed pieces for some key details of the diner:
I'm planning on making one or two more further updates to the build, so be on the lookout for those soon!