Product Idea |

The Spooky Authors Collection: Shelley, Poe, Lovecraft, and Jackson


Emily Carroll!

This author is more contemporary than most of the Spooky Authors, and she's a comics creator rather than strictly an author, but I think she still fits the theme. Emily Carroll wrote the short story graphic novel collection Through the Woods, published in 2014. Through the Woods won Eisner, Ignatz, and British Fantasy Awards. Carroll's illustrations were also used in the video games Gone Home and The Yawhg. Her webcomic "Some Other Animal's Meat" was recently adapted for Guillermo Del Toro's Cabinets of Curiosities on Netflix.


RL Stine!

I've built a fresh new author vignette! This one is for Goosebumps and Fear Street creator RL Stine!


Update coming soon!

I've added nameplates and made some small color and design changes. The new draft will hopefully be up in a day or two.


Shirley Jackson Redesign!

Shirley Jackson's minifigure is not very accurate right now, which a few people have pointed out. I've redone her minifigure to make the resemblance closer to reality.
I also felt like her vignette was lackluster compared to the other three, so I redesigned it from scratch. It's now the tallest build in the collection!

I will be able to update the photos in the submission in nine days. This is just a little sneak peek at the new design.


Alternate Author 1: Algernon Blackwood

I'm thrilled with the feedback I've gotten for The Spooky Authors Collection so far. The suggestions are helping me a lot in my revisions. Thank you for the bust idea, Cryptic Albatross! And thank you SO MUCH Hiratha for finding out Shirley Jackson's actual hair color!

Some commenters have made the thoughtful point that HP Lovecraft's inclusion may be problematic due to the man's toxic beliefs. I'll confess, I'm conflicted on including Lovecraft. He wrote some of the best horror stories of all time, but he did hold views that were deeply xenophobic, even for the time period.

I'm not sure whether to remove him from the build entirely yet, but for now, I'd like to present some alternative writers for the collection. This will give LEGO the option to leave Lovecraft out of the official set if it gets produced (fingers crossed), and also give you all some more horror writers to check out. I hope you enjoy them!

My first alternate is Algernon Blackwood!

Blackwood was a successful broadcasting narrator before he published his first novel in 1909. A nature lover, many of his stories were based in the wilderness and captured the beauty and horror of being out in the elements. His best-known story is The Willows, first published in 1907. This strange, haunting story of a canoe trip gone wrong was one of HP Lovecraft's favorite short stories and made historian Robert S Hadj's list of the scariest stories ever written.

(I gave Blackwood a top hat because the hairpiece that I would use for him is not currently in


Thanks for 1,000 supporters!

Thanks to all of you who supported The Spooky Author's Collection and got it to the 1,000 benchmark!!! Each and every one of you is a wonderful person!!!

On to 5,000!

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