Product Idea |

Lego Star Wars Architecture Skyline


Skyline 2.0

I made a complete overhaul of the skyline.

I completly optimized the way it was build in terms of stability and pieces.

I made the platform a little bit shorter in width but added a little bit more depth. Also I added better front plates and updated the models for the jedi temple, the naboo palace and the floating city.
• The Jedi Temple now has a more appropiate shape than before.
• The Naboo Palace had some weird placed bricks at the back what you couldn't see and now will never see ;)
• The "stem" of the floating city, which was made out of a 3L bar and two round bricks, got replaced by a technic connector and a technic pin. It looks more smooth now and less "interrupted"
(Also the bar of the death star is not as bulky as before)

At the same time I could reduce the amount of pieces.
My original build had 225pcs, with the jedi temple it had around 270pcs and now (with even a bigger baseplate in total) the whole Skyline has 250pcs.

I also planned and thought about new additional buildings and tried a lot, but I'm afraid that the skyline would get to clustered with too many buildings, that's why I kept it like this for now. Maybe I will change my mind in the future.

Right now I'm waiting for more feedback to be sure what changes should get made in the future (:

Kind Regards to all my lovely supporters
your Pfirsichbraut~ <3



Jedi Temple

I added the Jedi Temple to the skyline because it looked a little bit empty to me. So it could be added to my original idea or left out. It just adds another possibility how the set could look like.

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