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DNA Double Helix (Scientific)

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Based on my previous model ("DNA double helix"), this model has been re-designed to make it more realistic scientifically. There is added space between each level (base pairs), and there is a colour scheme to represent the A-T and G-C base pairs (A = green, T = blue, C = yellow, G = red).

I have included images with 2 different configurations of the model: the original design with 1x1 studded bricks forming the central column, and the new one with pin connectors along the central column. The pin connectors are more scientifically realistic but the bricks along central column give much more rigidity to the structure.

This would make a good Lego model because: (a) its a scientific model, potentially of interested to anyone studying science (chemistry and biology in particular). (b) its educational, and could be used to help teach chemistry/biology students about the structure of DNA.

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