Welcome to the Wild West!
The sheriff arrested the head of a gang of bandits. He is locked in a cell. This is a great risk for the entire town. Everyone expects the bandits to try to rescue their boss. The sheriff called his friends to help save the village from the gang's anger. They're patrolling the neighborhood. But the bandits also have a plan...
The Wild West was a perilous place. Evil vs good, bandits vs lawmen. Every major town had to have a sheriff's office to keep order.
I decided to build a two-story detached building with removable floors. This is the classic way to access the interior. The walls are made of diagonal planking. A sheriff's office and cell are on the first floor. On the second floor is a living area with a bed and bookcase. A large safe can also be found there. The whole building is almost studless, unlike the base. The whole is kept in classic colors for the Wild West.
I decided to give my first Wild West project a second chance. But still, a skilled observer can spot some changes. A new banner, new minifigures, and the biggest change: I added a stagecoach. I think it completes the whole project wonderfully.
2995 elements
11 minifigures
4 horses