Product Idea |

Dentist Office


Hello, everyone! Before presenting my new project, I would like to thank all the supporters of my previous submissions. Specially who wrote all the inspiring comments; I am really grateful about this.          

For this set, I used my aunt's office as inspiration: she is a dentist and works in a peculiar room - like the one I built. It features the following items:

  • A X-ray room.  
  • A restroom.
  • Two dentist's chairs (I had plenty of fun designing them).
  • Various dentist's tools.
  • Two shelves:
  1.  Comes with a vinyl player and a decorative vase, also includes a wardrobe - with some clothes inside - (it is near the desk).
  2. Stores some books and archives (lower right corner).
  • Two vinyl discs.
  • A purse.
  • A laptop.
  • And three minifigures (two dentists and a patient).

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