Product Idea |

PT-19 Blitz Starfighter


Update 7/21/14

PT-19 Blitz

Production information

Manufacturer  Republic Sienar Systems

Model  PT-19 Blitz

Class Starfighter

Cost 100,000 Credits (New) 20,000 Credits (used)

Technical specifications

Length 12.8

Maximum acceleration 2,780 G


 Maximum speed (atmosphere) 2,160 km/h

Engine unit(s)  Y-340 Engines (4)

Hyperdrive system  None standard

Shielding  Equipped

Sensor systems Equipped

Armament 4 Lazer cannons
                   2 Ion cannons
                     Proton Torpedos Launchers (4)
                          12 Torpedos

Crew Pilot (1)


PT-19 Blitz Starfighter Redone

I halved redone the cockpit for the PT-19 Blitz Starfighter because it wasn't big enough to put the mini figure in.

The PT-19 Blitz starfighter was manufactured Republic Fleet Systems during the Great Galactic War. It was designed to be even more advanced than any starfighter in the galaxy. Some Squadron use these starfighters in action against enemy sith starfighters making them unstoppable. During the Attack on Tython these starfighters were used to defend Tython from the sith invasion. At least 5 squadron used these to shoot down sith Supremacy starfighters.

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