"Never need a reason, never need a rhyme, step in time, you step in time !"
Those words bring back to me so many good memories, hours of watching this iconic movie, Mary Poppins.
And hours trying to dance like a real chimney sweeper... with a broom ☺️
There are many incredible scene in Mary Poppins but "Step in time" is the most magical one for me. The choreography, the song, the set, everything is on point.
That's why I've decided that my first Lego Idea submission will be a diorama of a London roof full of chimney sweepers, as well as Mary Poppins, Jane and Michael.
While I was designing it, I realized how boring roofs are 😅
Therefore, I tried to add various colours and textures to the chimneys to fit with the magical atmosphere from the movie. I'm not sure I succeed though, we'll see ☺️
I think all the details are here : the chimney sweeper jumping out in a cloud of black smoke, the backgroud with London roofs and the shining moon, chimney sweepers leading by Bert dancing everywhere while Mary Poppins (and her umbrella) and Mister Bank's kids are enjoying the show.
This set is made of a bit less than 1000 pieces and includes :
- Mary Poppins (duuh)
- Bert
- Jane
- Michael
- 7 chimney sweepers
- and 16 different chimneys !
All the faces have been reworked to add soot stains ☺️
I'm still discovering the power of Part Designer, if only I had some talent for clothes/faces design, it might have been more accurate, but the end result is not too bad 😜
All the pictures have lights rendering in order to increase the quality and be as close as possible of the movie. The last one represent the set as is.
Lego is producing a lot of various set, but without Mary Poppins, the catalog is not fully complete 😝
Everybody needs magic and joy in life, and a diorama like this will help for sure ☺️
If you want to have it in your house, please support this project, and if you don't want to have it but you know someone who might want, support it anyway 😆
Thank you a lot