Product Idea |

The Knight


Stretch Goals

Ok guys, I finally came up with a new structure for the lamp that will change it's appearance by almost nothing, but will make it sturdier, and after that I started to think about a bunch of other things I could do to improve the build.
So, the core idea is to make these as Stretch Goals depending on the support the set gets, I will improve it more and more until it reaches the 10k (hoping so).
The goals should be:
2k supporters: Lamp update
I'll publish the updated lamp as well as a slightly updated floor, together, as I most likely would have done anyway.
3k supporters: Knight's body update
By watching for hours (not kidding) the small structure I've made at the beginning for the torso of the Knight, even if it's kinda pretty and solid, I wasn't convinced by it, and so I decided trying and changing it, and the goals should be:
-Posable and flexible legs
-Flexible torso changing as little as possible from the original-Makeing the already turnable head also front and back-hingeable.
This Is a big one, but it can be done if the set receives enough love.
5k supporters: Bench update
Ok I'm not sure about this one, but I may add a bench to the build BUT it would imply several changes:
-Bigger base floor (bigger model, less exposability)
-Chonky bench (since it would fall apart otherwise)
Since I'm still dubious about this one, please let me know In the comments what you think, should the bench be there or is it excessive?

Please let me know your thoughts about that, and keep sharing the project as much as you can, since the supporter/day curve keeps getting lower and lower.
Before the end of the post, I also wanted to inform you that I'm creating a promotional video for the set helped by some friends, and it will be published around, here and there, so be sure to check out your social networks and to share it then.
Thank you once again for your support and motivation, see ya all!


Lamp Update!

Hey there dear supporters! The set is really getting a lot of support, and i thank you all for that. Since it's going so well, and we're about to reach the 1k (and beacuse i noticed a stability issue in the brick links), I am now updating the lamp of the set, improving it, making it more solid and also nicer-looking. I hope you'll like it!


100 Supporters Reached!

Thank you all for your support, the number 100 is a great milestone! Now let's keep it up, heading to the 1000!

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