Product Idea |



Waist joint/hinge upgrade

I recently discovered a way to create a flexible waist that can lean and twist, thereby allowing even more awesome poseability for Lord Gundam! The old waist was replaced with my new design and legs were shortened to fit his new skirt. I also changed a few colors, adding shades and shine to define him better.


New Color scheme Idea

Lord Gundam was missing something in it's color, so I added highlights!


Extra details added!

In my original submission, I neglected to add a picture of what the ankle thrusters looked like when they were folded away. In this update I'll add a picture of that as well as some new improvements to the gundam's neck and paint scheme. Original neck joint did not rotate because I made room for a cockpit, However, I've decided to fill in cockpit to give my gundam for increased structural stability and head movement.

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