Product Idea |

Minecraft: Herobrine Bust

I suggest you listen to this song as you read on:
"Have You Seen the Herobrine

For years, we have been haunted by the rumor that a mysterious figure has haunted Minecraft since the beginning. Now, Herobrine has pulled himself out of the virtual world... and is looking for YOU! With his glowing eyes, and deadly insanity, Herobrine is one psycho you cannot escape.

If you happen to see him from behind, don't remain there. Get out before he turns around. He may already know you're there.

The eyes are made of a glow-in-the-dark bricks. His head is hollow, so you can customize it, like removing his eyes and putting a candle in there, or leaving the eyes and putting a light (flashlight, desk light, etc.). However you want him, you can be sure it can make people a little shifty.

Beware! He's looking for YOU!

P.S. - Herobrines eyes in the main image are edited to show themselves glowing. Render doesn't make them glow.

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