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Vegetable Garden


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This is a vegetable garden, inspired by my personal one. A lot of people enjoy gardening and cultivate a lot of vegetables in country houses or in cities. I tried to insert all particular stuff that is needed in a good vegetable garden.
Let's see them.

There are 3 garden parcels contained in wooden walls, a simple but very effective technique. All parcels are filled by brown and soft soil.
The first parcel, starting from left, has variuos lines with broccoli and  cabbages. The second one has leeks, carrots and celeries. The third and last one is the little masterpiece of every good gardener: climbing vegetables.
There are bamboo beams that create a sort of framework where climbing plants grow by themselves or tied by the gardener. In this garden I inserted cherry tomatoes and climbing zucchini (courgette): i used Lego parts for plants and fruits, LEGO cherry for tomatoes and LEGO sausage for zucchini.

THere's a cabin, a wood and brick cabin, where gardeners put all their instruments. Infact a good gardener needs a lot of tools. You can see attached to the cabin:  ax, knife, hammer, shovel, hoe. The gardeners are using two different rakes.

Besides the vegetable garden needs water (see the fountain), a seedbed and a wood case  to collect vegetables. About seedbed, I designed it as an huge wooden  structure because it is confortable to use. In seedbed the gardeners put the seeds in order to germinate and transfer little plants in garden parcels.

All creation is made by 330 Lego parts. 
I hope you'll enjoy!


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