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Dory and Nemo


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This is a build I have been working on for several weeks.
I started with Dory. Then Nemo, obviously. They are the beautiful main characters of a few Pixar movies.
They are rather small builds, but that's what's makes the challenge for me. Building a huge Dory can make it more easier to add details but keeping it small is the real deal. As a little extra I now added Pearl and Bubbles. Two other friends of Nemo and Dory.

I tried to build them with real bricks rather than using design programs for one simple reason. My kids wanted them already to play with before I even started building. 
Now matter how small the little fishes are, they were very hard to get somewhat good-looking.
I've been a great fan of animation movies for years. Frozen, Tangled, Finding Nemo,.. they are all masterpieces to me. The characters are always so beautiful and recognizable. 
I build it because now I have them for myself, and they ended up in my kids bedrooms. They are totally in love, with their own set of fishes.

This would a a beautiful set. No doubt. I believe this is my best submission so far ;-) 
I believe many people are a bit nostalgic about Finding Dory & Nemo.
This a great tribute! 

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