"Decades into the future, human society lives on platforms suspended upon the rotting foundations of past infrastructure - an underworld of cheats and vagabonds. Cybercity is just one example of these layered cities choking on their own filth, a place where the rich and prosperous ignore the people living in poverty beneath them."
I've wanted to build a cyberpunk MOC for a while now and I thought it a great time to experiment with lighting. You can just about see the under glow of the bottom layer, light up window and glowing pathways on the top. I usually avoid stickers and printed pieces in my builds but they really suit this theme and I’m sure a few Vidiyo and Monkey Kid prints wouldn't go unnoticed. The range of minifigures shows the difference in people in urban areas. They include:
-a crime lord/bounty hunter
-a workman
-a robot police officer
-space flight guy etc
Hope you like it and don't forget to support my other product ideas!