This build shows an Icon scene from 'ELF' the movie, as he travels to New York.
This is a one of my most loved Christmas films, it always brings a smile to my face when I watch it.
With that I mind I felt that having a scene from the film in my home and seeing it every day would make me smile throughout Christmas.
To decide which scene to make, I watch the movie several times looking for the perfect build opportunity, I needed something that would make an eye-catching display piece,
finally settling on the scene of the New York back drop and Buddy the Elf in front of the buildings.
Using a sideways building technic and only eight colours to keep the build simple, this creates a nice contrast between the buildings and the Elf character, making him stand out.
The letters E and F were created in the same green as Buddy the Elf, then place them either side of him to give the effect that he is the L, thus completing the word ELF.
The build is 14 inches long, the tallest building is 8 inches, and it takes up 4 inch in width.
I’m sure this Idea’s set, if successful, would make a wonderful addition to anyone’s Lego Christmas display either stand alone on a side or under the tree if front of the presents.