The Ocean Cleanup is the challenging project to clean up the ocean and rivers by removing all garbage which is polluting our waters. System 002 especially focuses on the great pacific garbage patch.
Two sister ships slowly dragging a U-shaped barrier through the ocean. As soon as the net is full of trash, the crew tears it aboard and the trash is stored away in containers.
I created this LEGO build so that this project gets (even more) attraction and supporters to fulfill its mission. This set can not only be used as a model for display, but is also intended to educate our children to handle our environment sustainable and respectful.
The set consists of two mirrored sister ships. Both containing a working deck with turnable crane and container. The ship is composable, the lower decks are equipped with (removable) engines and kitchen or marine laboratory.
Other features of the set are:
- A U-shaped barrier with a net on the end to collect the plastic in the ocean
- A winch to move in the net
- A dinghy with diver to check the catch
- A drone that supervises the work from the air.
- Two dolphins, and unfortunately also some trash.
The set consists of 1900 parts and comes with 8 minifigures.
The crew includes:
- 2x captains
- 2x workers
- 1x diver
- 1x cook
- 1x scientist
- 1x Boyan Slat (founder of The Ocean Cleanup)
For more info about the "real" project visit:
To see the model on Mecabricks visit: