Behold my book nook creation! The Great Library of Alexandria Book Nook.
Though, in real life, the library and its knowledge may have been lost to us many centuries ago, its memory and legacy live on!
The Great Library of Alexandria was such an iconic place throughout the ages where people from all around the world came to learn, study and make experiments to elevate mankind and its achievements.
These days, book nooks are really popular and in my opinion, what could be better than a library itself. Especially if it is a library that is so famous and legendary.
In the build, you may find small tables chairs, and places where minifigs could study scripts. Also, bookshelves with dozens of scrolls full of ancient knowledge. In the middle, you see the statue of the goddess of wisdom and knowledge Athena herself holding her signature animal an owl pure gold.
This model is definitely an uncommon one and in my opinion, Lego should market more of these. Also, my creation is themed in ancient Greece and Egypt. Therefore, this build would be enriching the number of models of themes as such.
Please support my model if you like the idea.
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