Product Idea |

Chip Shop


Its all in the Details!

There is plenty of detail in this Chip Shop set like this hidden birds nest behind the shops sign by the extractor vent system! I will be adding more photos of the updated upstairs flat above the chip shop today with all the mini details!


A Better Look Inside!

A few more images of inside from different angles!


Outside render with better look inside!

Here is a better outside render with a look inside more clearly lit up! Please continue to support and share this project! I am working on more images of the inside getting them all rendered this one just took me 23 hours to render so bear with me.


We have passed the first milestone and reached 100 supporters within the first day!

We have passed the first milestone and reached 100 supporters within the first day! Thank you to everyone that has supported so far! Please continue to support and share the LEGO Chip Shop with anyone you think would like! Lets get that next goal of 1000!


More Features and Details!

Below are a few more features and details that will be included in this Chip Shop set! I hope you like all of the details i have put into this set including the multiple food variations that can be seen below in photos!

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