Product Idea |

Plymouth Switcher


A Real-Life Plymouth Switcher + A Teaser


Hello, everyone! Before I go on, I thank you all for your support on my projects, as well as the kind compliments you give me. They mean a lot!

This here Plymouth switcher--appropriately named "Plymouth"--painted in her bright orange, dark green, and black color scheme is what inspired me to build this project. I've seen her in action at Greenfield Village a few times, although it's quite rare, since Plymouth is mainly used for demonstrations and moving steamers into the roundhouse.

Most of the time, Plymouth sits on a siding next to the roundhouse, so she's often available for a picture. She'll occasionally rest inside the roundhouse, which doesn't have the best lighting unless the right spot is found. But yeah! Here's my little inspiration. ;-)


Yep! This is my current in-progress project. I have a couple other projects in store as well...I just need to give them the photoshoot treatment. :-D Have a great day, everyone, and take care! Regards, Joseph cheeseinthepie. 4/24/2021

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