Product Idea |

Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood Trolley


100 Votes + Power Functions!

Thank you to all the supporters of the Neighborhood Trolley!

A couple updates:

1. Trolley has reached the first LEGO Ideas milestone - 100 votes, which extends our voting time by an additional 365 days!

2. A friend introduced us to The Fred Rogers Company, which produced Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood and makes Daniel Tigers Neighborhood. As you may know, the Neighborhood Trolley is a trademark of the McFeely-Rogers Foundation. (McFeely was the name of the "speedy delivery" mail man, but was also Mr. Rogers' middle name and his Grandfather's surname.) 

If this project is realized, I hope it will benefit them as well, and help further their work in creating children's media. Hopefully, they'll give us a shout-out on social media!

3. Now, not only is the Neighborhood Trolley compatible with LEGO train tracks, I've also made modifications to show how it could incorporate Power Functions to become a working RC Trolley!

Here is a short video clip of the Trolley on the go!

Thanks for your support, LEGO Neighbors! Please spread the word to help us speed along toward 10,000 votes! <ding! ding!>


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