Product Idea |

Little Snowflakes Gone Travelling - Ornament Set


Little snowflakes are buzzing with excitement: Let it snow!!!

“Well, I know now.
I know a little more how much a simple thing like a snowfall can mean to a person.”
- Sylvia Plath -

It means a lot sometimes. To me it does. And this small build is just a fun and playful tribute to the magnificence & wonder that is a snowflake and its amazing "life"-cycle. And so I very much appreciate the "snowfall" of support that this project has received thus far:
Yesterday this project reached 2000 supporters - something I never thought would happen - and I wanted to thank each and everyone of you who has supported my seasonal creation!

Please continue to help this project along with your comments & shares (it is in season now!) so that the little snowflakes might get to see even more support and hopefully reach the next milestone on their journey!


Little snowflakes are ready for winter!

Hello fellow snow-minded friends!

It is October already and winter is on the move: the new winter sets have just been released & the winter builders bubble is buzzing with excitement!
A perfect occasion to remind everyone that "Little snowflakes" would be an awesome addition to everyone's winter displays and is still in need of (a lot of) support.

THANKS to 1700 of you who have contributed to this little winter extravaganza up to this point with your comments & votes and are as curious as myself to see how much further we can go with this. - Happy to welcome anyone who wants to join the party!

Please continue to comment & share and let it snow ❄️


Come on little snowflakes! ❄️ Another 8500 still to go...

It's become quite a party of twirling snowflakes: 1500 supporters have joined the winter dance to celebrate the season and help the falling flakes along. Thanks to every one of you!
It's an amazing sight.

Don't let up now - it's still a long way from the clouds of imagination to the ground of reality. We still need many more to get to the next milestone... and beyond!



Just like those soft layers of snow building up on the ground when it has been snowing for a while your support has been continuously falling on my "Snowflakes":1300 supporters already!
Thanks to all of you!
Please keep commenting & sharing this project so that one day we could all be mesmerized by these little ornaments on our window sills...


Sometimes it snows in August: 1000 little snowflakes

Today "Little snowflakes gone travelling" crossed the 1k barrier and is embarking on the challenging journey to the next milestone.
Thanks everyone who has supported this project to reach 1000 supporters! I did not think it could get there and I'm very excited it did.
Maybe it could go even further?! - Please keep supporting and sharing this build so there can be a twirling multitude of snowflakes when winter finally comes around... let it snow!


WINTER ALERT: Little snowflakes is now featured on Ideas

Amazingly, "Little snowflakes gone travelling" has been selected as staff pick today and I honestly would have never dreamed of it. What a privilege. So first: THANK YOU to whoever felt this icy project should be featured in the heat of summer!
As a small seasonal non-IP project - neither medieval nor modular - it is easily overlooked or swallowed up by all the magnificent creations on this platform. So I really appreciate the pick as it elevates visibility for a moment and provides the chance to show this build to more people which hopefully helps it along to the next milestone.
Another BIG THANKS goes out to all supporters of this project and their awesome comments - really encouraging & fun to interact with. Fingers crossed there's more to come.

To sum up the day's events: a small step to winterise Ideas, a giant leap for little snowflakes!


LITTLE SNOWFLAKES ARE DANCING - celebrating 400 supporters!

What a great show of support from all around! - Unexpectedly "Little snowflakes gone travelling" was featured in the newsletter this week and I am so happy more people got to see and appreciate it that way - I'm still a bit stunned it got picked. Who would have expected this small winter build to reach 400 supporters in summer this quickly?
Thanks everyone to getting this project closer to the next milestone.

If you haven't already done so please consider supporting my project and leave a comment for me to thank you.

Keep them coming and: Let it snow!


100 snowflakes & counting: Let it snow!

Thank you everyone who has helped to get "Little snowflakes gone travelling" to the next stage! We now have a whole winter to gather support for this little project & I'm so grateful for that.

Winter is coming... ❄️

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