Product Idea |

UFO Close Encounter


200+ Supporters!

Hey everyone!

Check out what the alien and hiker made to commemorate us making it past 200 supporters!

That font looks strangely familiar...

Please spread the word, and let's see if we can get on the front page in the Popular This Week section!

Thanks for all the support! 


Let's go for a Ride!

This isn't what our hiker had in mind when the alien said "I'll pick you up for a ride".

The new elements added to the model make it easy to pick up friends, abduct small animals, or scan for other Earthly samples.

With the new parts, the piece count rises to 301. 

If I add to the model any more, I'm hoping to have them be small additions, and of course, I'll post the updates here!

Please spread the word and click support if you like what you see!


Now with Cockpit!

Hey folks!

After my initial submission, @SulacoUSCM and @insurgent18 both mentioned that they'd like it better if the alien could fit inside the UFO.

With a little work, I managed to create a small and efficient cockpit for this one-seated flying saucer!

To put the alien inside, you simply remove the top dome part, which is easily done, since it only connects on a few studs, and doesn't lead to breakage--it's surprisingly robust. 

There's a chair, control levers, warning lights, and readout screens in the lower part of the cockpit...

And there's a flight monitor, several gauges, and dome lights in the upper part of the cockpit...

With this addition, the part count rises to 292! Still bite-sized, which is one of my goals of the project. 

Please spread the word and support if you think this is cool! what to do next...


Intergalactic Friendship Selfie!

I took @Mr. Roy's selfie stick idea that he commented on and made it a reality!

Normally, our hiker keeps his smartphone in his backpack to keep from being distracted from the beauty of nature, but once he met his new alien friend, he just had to whip it out (along with his selfie stick), and capture the moment.

With these new pieces, the part count has risen from 264 to 268. It's a small addition to the set, but I think a meaningful one.

If you like the update, please spread the word!

(Alien, watch where you're pointing that probe, would you...)

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