Product Idea
Laputa, Castle in the Sky, Studio Ghibli and Miyazaki
I'm delighted to present a new lego ideas project on a subject that's very close to my heart.
Since I was very young, I've been rocked by the stories of the master Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli. I've never been indifferent to his worlds, and they've always challenged us to think about our relationship with nature.
That's why I wanted to direct the excellent 1986 animated film 'Laputa', the castle in the sky, which takes a sensitive look at environmental issues. Its message is even more topical today.
Behind the legend of Laputa, Miyazaki highlights and denounces our world. A materialistic world that places too much emphasis on technology and power, losing touch with the Earth. Miyazaki shows us the inevitable and fatal outcome of this dream of power.
The scene shown here corresponds to the moment when Pazu and Sheeta discover the flying city after crossing the storm in their glider. Battered by the winds, they arrive in a city abandoned by man, but not by life. Nature has reclaimed its rights here. Nature's vital and regenerative force has preserved the best and most beautiful things on the island.
The protagonists are welcomed by a guardian. Without humans, the robot soldiers become simple "gardeners" and ardent defenders of life. Is there a nobler use of technology than protecting life?
A better future is possible thanks to youth, embodied in Pazu and Sheeta, symbols of a pure, innocent humanity, attentive to its environment.
I think it would be interesting to see this beautiful message of hope reflected in a future Lego set.
I hope you enjoy discovering this project as much as I did making it.