Product Idea |

Chrono Rescue - Flight of the Falcon


It's All for Nothing...

We break our dry streak with six new supporters, and yet that only bumps us up to 0.53% as we approach our final hours...

Meaning all that project planning... all that creativity... all that technique learning... was all for nothing...

Darn-Darn-Darn-Darny-DARN! DARN IT ALL! I've supported so many projects from you guys! and this is how I'm repaid for it all?! I just can't win with you all! It's like you don't even care about what you support at all! in fact, most of the comments about my builds feel like they were made by Artificial Intelligence than actual people with how short they are! Just a soulless "Cool Build" or a "Good Luck" without a sliver of care! Not to mention how Skewed this site has become to "Popular" Lego builders as their projects manage to hit 10,000 supporters In a matter of a few days!

So yeah. Thanks for the support guys, or lack-thereof! You have officially BROKEN Lego Ideas! I got nothing left. I'm through asking for your support. I Give Up. All i can do now is hope against your hopes...and watch as your projects shrivel and perish. just like what you did with mine...

Edit: gained two more supporters in the final hours, still all for nothing...


A Dry Streak in the Final.

No! NO! Not a Dry streak right here! Not now of all times! We're on the final five days and approaching Expiration! I've been building projects like this for five years on this site, don't do this to me now!


A look back in the past (Finale)

yet again we get only one new supporter bumping our total to 0.47% with only ten days left on the clock. we're just 53 away from the first milestone here, and we aren't losing hope. not now, not ever!

My act of desperation left me with a stroke of luck from my collection, so i decided to take the best parts of my few instances of earning 100 supporters and create one last batch from their defining elements. As a result, almost all my projects at the time would be Space-centric. almost.

Before this wave of big Space-themed projects, I created a huge take of Hawkodile thinking "If Unikitty can go Ultra, why not any of her friends from the Show?" too bad that won't happen as he only gained 85 supporters. from there on out, the rest was all Space starting with what felt like the last original space theme at the time, Galaxy Squad.

This Hulking build i call the Singularity Syndicate was a Culmination of the four teams of the Galaxy Squad in a Last ditch attempt to eradicate the Bugoid menace, which was represented with a Centipede Crawler. it almost became my fifth time i scored 100 supporters, only to fall short by six. anyway, i decided to bring back a Small-time Subtheme in a bigger and better way: The Roboforce MK2 Stellar Games!

I had the idea of reimagining Roboforce as a series of three-team sports. The first being a Capture the Flag style game called Banners and Bandits where the teams compete to claim the banners of the others.

The second of which was a Bedwars-style game called Sputnik Scuffle where teams must defend their Sattelite dish while tearing down the Dishes of the other teams.

the last game i thought of is a Conquest style game called Rocket Conquest where teams compete to secure Control Points to assemble a Rocket.

None of the three games were successful with Banners & Bandits scoring 53, Sputnik Scuffle scoring 58, and Rocket Conquest scoring 81. i still gave it one more shot with a Resting hangar after each game.

this would also prove unsuccessful as it would only earn 67 supporters. so with four failed Reimagination attempts, I went with one more Space theme in mind: Liberty of Mars.

Combining Life on Mars with Mars Mission to create a final chapter on a sort of Red Planet Saga with the Martians saving their planet from the Crystaliens. I would've backed up the Heavy Protector, but i couldn't with 71 supporters before going down with the other culmination projects.

and that pretty much brings us up to speed with all my projects, and i fear this one will fall like all the rest.


Final stand in the Final quarter

only one new supporter as we're down to the final quarter of our time left? that just leave us 54 away from the hundred-supporter milestone! we can't just sit on this at 0.46%! i really want this to mean something! anything!


A look back in the Past (part 4)

we're down to a third of our time and we only got one new supporter bumping us up to 0.45%. we need that milestone to keep this alive, and I'm counting on you all to do it before it's too late!

After my one and only Brickheadz project went down, I was getting desperate. I had to think of something for my next batch. it was either go big or go home! and while this project wasn't part of it when i first thought of it, i figured i include it as a mention as it was based on everyone's favorite theme: Ninjago.

Originally a Contest entry for when Ninjago was celebrating its Ten years, I would decide to make it a Project of its own. nether the entry nor the project fared well, with the latter only netting 57 supporters. really shows that it should've died back then and needs to die now. but let's get back on track with the first Desperado project i made.

Went back with the combo ship deal with a more unified theme and half as many ships as Galaxy Unity, this is M:Tron 2. a revolution of an old classic space subtheme. it was originally just the four ships at the start, but when i thought it would expire in 60 days, a surprise resurgence made it my Second project to hit 100 supporters. I later gave it a base of their own as M:Tron never really had a base of their own. eventually though, it would expire after a year with 186 supporters. that was the second highest support count i ever scored, the highest would go to my largest one yet.

Shogun Chess, more commonly known as Shogi. i gave it one shot almost four years ago with it getting 49 supporters, but when i returned to this as a Desperado project, it would go to be my third time i hit the hundred supporter milestone. i even made a Mini version of it in case the sheer amount of pieces was too much.

While the Mini version only got 55 supporters, the big board went out with the current highest amount at 210. no other project has ever beat that as of now, not even my final Desperado project.

if you ever watched the Loud House, the moniker of Ten-headed Beast should be familiar as this was my take on it. the name Loudra stuck with the Loud Crowd while this would claim the fourth instance of gathering 100 supporters. of course the hype would die down as the beast would soon fall with 168 supporters.


nearing Hundred's Halfway point

five more supporters joined to bump our total up to 0.44% as we burn more of our time. this puts us almost halfway to the first milestone with only 56 more to go! let's keep this support going!


A Look Back in the Past (Part 3)

with half of our time left, we now sit at 0.39% with two new supporters joining in. that just leaves us 61 away from the Hundred-supporter milestone, so don't give up on this now! I really want this to mean something. Anything really!

Of course, i can't talk about the past without the troubles of my Third Party IP-related projects starting with this one right here.

THIS project really gave me trouble over the years! I had to get around the License not being available back then which got me suspended for a while. eventually managed to launch the project only to score 48 supporters on the first attempt. i later tried again with a Brick built head and Renders for the White Lion train which only got a total of 64. (16 more than the first attempt) then i went back at it yet again when the IP was available, Fully realizing the Project that time only to end up with two less than before! of course, that was when i tried to take my own spin on the IP and it didn't pay off. so i had to go somewhere else. (that was before the retries BTW)

Went to Mega Man for my next third Party IP project and built Cutman. No creative liberties on it when i made it, so i was banking on fans of the Mega Man games for this. unfortunately, it only netted 37 supporters before going Mega Bust. if the Creativity on this felt lacking, then this next one really took a hit.

Putting all eleven Loud Kids in the BrickHeadz style felt like a low point for me as pairing a Licensed IP with something as Cookie cutter as BrickHeadz was so safe you could put it in a Vault. and yet it only banked 24 supporters. really showing that BrickHeadz isn't the way to go.


Not the time for this!

Not the Dry streak! that has been the death of many of my projects! I'm really counting on you all for everything that I've learned in my five years on this site! I've supported So many of your projects, so i hope you're willing to return the favor!


A Look Back in the Past (part 2)

A third of our time is gone and we gather yet another five new supporters bumping our total up to 0.37%. I'm still hoping for all this to mean something, so here's hoping we can hit the hundred-supporter milestone as we enter July!

Speaking of which, it's still hard to believe the first time i ever reached that milestone was so long ago.

Originally meant to be a Robo Champ sequel, i had to scrap the Board game aspect in favor of the six robots. chipping in at 153 as of now, it was the first time i ever hit 100 supporters. and it almost became my only time i did. while it was still going, i launched a whole slew of projects! starting with another shot at Chrono Rescue which didn't work with image quality, and carrying on with ones like this!

This giant ship was comprised of eight smaller ships, one for each spacefig color back then. i also launched my first licensed IP project about a month later.

This Diorama was in memoriam of an app game that was shut down on may 15th four years ago. representing the four major events that happened in its lifetime. sadly, neither the eight ships nor the Diorama got lucky as they each scored 47 and 43 respectively. i did launch something when the former went under though.

This Monster Fighters project was built as a continuation of the story after Vampyre's ritual failed. this also scored 47 supporters and hurt build complexity, which left me with the next two projects.

This project was Alpha Agents. combining the Agents theme with the Transforming vehicles of Alpha Team in a Deep Heated mission. only scoring 23 before burning up, it led to my last Lego IP themed project.

This Exo-force Duo was a what if scenario of reprogramming a robot to the Human side. it would only score 66 before leaving me with Licensed IPs for my next few projects.


The Slow Climb

with a quarter of our time gone, we gathered five more supporters to bump us up to 0.32%. that does leave us 68 away from the Hundred-Supporter Milestone, so we still have a chance to give all this meaning!

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