I wanted to create something with a strong sense of humour whilst adopting some simple but effective building techniques. This build consists of exactly 250 pieces.
Siblings on holiday with their parents are playing a naughty trick on dad. Dads' daughter is jumping in the pool whilst her brother is hiding behind the bushes giggling and taking a memorable photo of this mischievous prank. Mum is simply enjoying the show.
"This is certainly a holiday to remember, Hee Hee.....Sorry Dad !"
People smile when they see Lego, and adding humour will hopefully enhance this experience. I hope I've achieved this so that people might want to showcase and play with this creation.
I really enjoyed creating this build, with two elements in particular. One, the splash effect, and two, the depth of water effect using the steps and mum's legs.
I Hope you like my project and thank you in advanced for any support I get.