Product Idea |


It's my all-time favorite food. It's Sushi. It's a simple plate with the classic sushi.
The plate itself isn't just any plate, it includes the Japanese letters for Sushi and the in the four corners, I added a gold touch to it. On the plate itself, I created the classic leaves and rice. I added some salmon with some orange bricks. I also made a little can with some extra sauce. As a final touch, I added the two sticks to eat just as the tradition asks.

I actually built this for the LEGO Masters home challenge. The week before this challenge I won the previous one, so this was some sort of celebration build! Also, I'm a big sushi fan, so when they asked for a food build, there wasn't much doubt about what I would build. It had to be Sushi. I just love the taste and simplicity of it, so that's why. I did build it to honor my favorite food!

This would be a wonderful set. I believe this would be a unique set. There aren't to many sets who include the food factor. So many medieval sets, classic stets, yet no real food set. I'm a big fan of the botanical sets. Those sets are also complete different from what we've seen, and they sell out, so I believe this could work as well. It would be amazing to see this set come alive and for sale!

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