Product Idea |

de Havilland Beaver


Redesigned Beaver

Hi Everyone!

Last week was exciting, I worked on the Beaver, because some parts of the plane was a bit smaller than I expected. So there are some modifications and additions with the following parts:

- The floats are bigger and higher thereby it looks more like the real one now
- The multirunged ladders on the floats now it has got a more simple clearer shape, so it gives a stronger stability for it.
- I rethought the tailfins (vertical, horizontal) which are more higher and wider like on the real plane.
- Both wings are longer for the size of floats
- I created door handles
And lastly I changed the propeller type from 3 to 2 blades. (BTW the plane was manufactured both propellers) 

The parts quantity increased with these changes, but I think it was worth all for the better look.


If You want to see this beauty in a real set, please support it! :)

Thank you!


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