Product Idea |

Acoustic Guitar


50 Supporters Reached!

Well, it's been a long while, but Acoustic Guitar has finally reached 50 supports!  Thank you to everyone who has seen this project so far and commented on it! Even though it will probably never reach 10,000 (or get even close), it makes me happy to read the few comments that come in!  Ideas really is a great community, and you guys make the experience worth it.  Now, shall we try for 100 supporters?

Please comment if you have any advice or feedback.  Also, help spread the word about this project as you are able!                                                                                                                     -VAkkron


A Few Brief Notes

#1) First of all, after consulting the LDD file of my original guitar model, I discovered that I made a mistake in piece calculation.  Two of the string pieces were not actually attached by clips, and so I needed to add two more connector pieces in order to solve the problem.  After recalculating, the new total piece count with the neck strap was 785 pieces, and the count without the neck strap was 755 pieces.

#2) Next, due to a comment that I received, I want to caution that this project is not actually a working guitar.  It will not make music; all pieces used are existing plastic Lego bricks and this design was assembled on Lego Digital Designer.  (P.S. constructive comments are welcome and helpful!)

#3) Also, I am planning to add an update with the LDD files upon reaching 100 supporters!

#4) Thank you to my wonderful 36 supporters and all those who will see and support this project in the future.

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