Chen's Noodle Truck has arrived with Nya and Dareth at the ferry!
Ninjago fans, fans of season 4 The Tournament of Elements, fans of the evil Master Chen and all the fans of the show, I present to you something that will now be in the idea of Chen's Ferry. It's Chen's Noodle Truck! The truck can be separated into 2, the cabin and the container, the roof can be removed, the back door can be opened and inside there are boxes of food from Chen's restaurant and 2 new minifigures that are Nya with her costume from the season only with the new face and hair design and Dareth we already saw it on the set of Ninjago city docks. Hope you liked the noodle truck and don't forget to vote for the ferry :)
The Chen´s Noodle Truck have 302 pieces